Is Your Marriage Doomed When You Become an Entrepreneur?

When you choose to start a business, it will likely mean long hours trying to get it off of the ground. Even if it does become a success, you may still need to spend time doing media interviews or perform other tasks as the face of the brand. Therefore, it is possible that your marriage will become strained or even fail despite your best intentions to be there for your spouse.

There May Not Be A Work-Life Balance

As an entrepreneur, there is often no such thing as a work-life balance. Typically, you will work 12 to 18 hours a day developing a product, marketing your business to customers and looking for investors. You may also be on the road for days or weeks at a time as you seek investors or try to network with other small business owners. Unfortunately, this may not allow you to have date nights with your spouse or spend as much time with the kids as you would like.

It Can Be Hard To Be Ignored

There are few worse feelings in life than being ignored by someone who is supposed to love you and be there for you. Even if your significant other knows why you can’t be around as often, it can still hurt to spend evenings or nights alone. It is possible that your significant other could start seeing other people to put an end to the boredom or loneliness that he or she feels. 

While your spouse won’t necessarily cheat on you, entering into new platonic relationships may remind that individual that relationships are supposed to be fun and fulfilling. Eventually, you may receive an ultimatum to either devote yourself to the relationship or the company. In many cases, you can only devote your attention to one option at a time. If you choose the company, the marriage may be over. In the event that your marriage does end, it may be a good idea to consult Tampa divorce attorneys Quinn & Lynch P.A.

Success Can Change People

You may have felt insecure or as if your current spouse was the best option to settle down with when you married that individual. However, the success of your company could result in a level of wealth and social status that couldn’t have imagined just months or years ago. This increase in prestige may make you wonder if there is someone else who is better suited to be your mate for the long run.

It is also possible that financial security allows you to get out of a relationship that was toxic or abusive. Now that you have the resources to afford a home and otherwise provide for yourself, it may be time to leave an unsatisfactory marriage. Of course, it is a good idea to seek out the services of Tampa divorce attorneys such as Quinn & Lynch P.A. before doing so. An attorney may be able to help structure a divorce in a favorable manner.

There is no guarantee that your marriage will end or even suffer because of your choice to start a business. However, it is important to be aware of how doing so could have an impact on your relationships and other aspects of your life. Ideally, you will talk to your spouse before starting a business to develop a plan for how to manage running a company and running a household.